Aurora Chamber of Commerce

Let’s get Worksite Wellness started! – Work Well 2.0 Health Series / Sept. 8, 2016

Worksite Wellness is an important issue for businesses because it really does affect the bottom line.

The Work Well Pilot Project (Jan.-June 2016) was a great success and eight Chamber member companies successfully completed project benchmarks: Community College of AuroraMusic Go Round – Aurora, CO; Mobile Physicians Network; Alzheimer’s Association: Colorado ChapterFitzsimons Credit UnionArapahoe County Early Childhood CouncilCentral Colorado AHEC; and Aurora Chamber of Commerce.

These participating organizations and businesses received – at no cost – advising sessions, wellness resources, program assistance, trainings, workshops, and some funding. The Work Well Project is a collaboration between the Aurora Chamber of Commerce and Tri-County Health Department, funded by a grant from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

On September 8, Work Well 2.0 was kicked off at The Chamber with a healthy breakfast, a panel of participants from the Pilot Project sharing their stories and ideas, and the opportunity for additional Chamber member businesses to engage in Work Well 2.0.

If you are interested in more information about The Chamber’s Work Well 2.0,

The Chamber’s Health Series is sponsored by Pinnacol Assurance.


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