Aurora Chamber of Commerce

Recognize, Reward, and Reconstitute – Work Well 2.0 Health Series / August 10, 2017

‘Worksite Wellness’ is definitely a buzz phrase lately; it can also be a lot of fun – and yes, rewarding in so many ways.

Current Work Well 2.0 members received awards and a simply fit board for completing a year as a member of the coalition. These companies committed to adopting best practices and policies in order to provide a healthy workplace environment – and in return, received recognition, rewards, counseling and funding for their programs.

You may be wondering, “What about “reconstitute?”

As reconstitute usually means constitute again or restore by “adding water” –  all Chamber members interested in ‘reconstituting,’ are invited to attend the kick-off of Work Well 2.0 year three on September 14, 8-9 am at The Chamber office. This free program offered to Chamber members offers funding, resources, camaraderie, and fun – all in the name of worksite wellness.

Businesses that commit to the program receive a Health Links assessment at no cost (a $90-$300 value) to help determine their needs and goals for wellness in the workplace. Wellness plans are realistically individualized to those needs and goals, and funding is available through a grant from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

This isn’t just “ONE MORE THING TO DO” – This is good for business, good for you, and loads of fun!

The Work Well 2.0 Health Series is in partnership with Tri-County Health Department, and is funded through a grant from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

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